What do women want? # WWW18

by Claudia Ravaldi

CiaoLapo participates in and supports the activities of the White Ribbon Alliance which deals with the promotion of rights related to female and reproductive health in the world.

For some time CiaoLapo has been working to bring attention to human rights in pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period.

In particular, as those who follow us from the beginning know well, we take care of intercepting the needs of mothers and families affected by perinatal bereavement throughout the period of time that goes from the bad diagnosis to hospitalization, but also during the period subsequent mourning process up to any subsequent pregnancy and childbirth.

The goal we set ourselves was initially to understand the state of bereavement assistance in pregnancy and post-partum in Italy.

Then we analyzed the grieving women’s requests, their needs and their testimonies for assistance.

The goal was to understand how many women in Italy affected by bereavement during pregnancy and after birth received a hearing and had access to the appropriate care for their situation.

Our data collection has been going on for 12 years in the various channels of the association, including the forum and the facebook page and through specific quantitative and qualitative researches that have already produced the first published studies .

In 2016 we met the Italian activist mothers of Bastatacere and OvoItalia and with them we began to deepen human rights in pregnancy and childbirth, which should be the heritage of all women: not only the healthy ones, not only the rich ones, not only those who speak the language of the country that it hosts them, not only of the young ones, not only of the educated ones. Our CiaoLapo mothers are women, they are mothers. Their parts are parts. Even when the baby has died in utero, or it won’t survive outside their womb. Their children, they are children, and deserve dignified and respectful treatment. Their bodies are bodies, and they deserve care and attention.

Activists promoting the What Women Want campaign asked us last month to bring 25 testimonials of what bereaved women in pregnancy and after birth ask about their reproductive health.

In a few hours, 60 testimonials arrived that you can find here and on our social channels.

Here’s what grieving mothers want in Italy. They want us to remember that they are #mothers and should be treated as such.

Here is what can be done to promote maternal and child health and to promote the biopsychosocial well-being of women facing the loss of an expected child.

The #whatwomenwant campaign will continue.

You can write your testimony and participate in the questionnaire by selecting your native language.

Together we can do a lot.

Happy World Population Day!

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