Realize your thesis with CiaoLapo Onlus. Work with us to break the taboo and raise awareness of perinatal bereavement. For information write to: thesis@ciaolapo.it
More than 50 theses have already been designed, supervised and carried out together with our association.
The thesis, whether of a degree, specialization or a Master’s, is the final moment of a course of study and study, and therefore has great value, not only symbolic but also didactic.
Making the thesis is not a mere formality (and should not be considered a waste of time): a well-developed and well-designed thesis is useful to the writer, it is useful to those who read it and to those who will carry out the thesis on a similar topic later .
A well done thesis is the basis for developing and making known topics otherwise little treated, for making extensive systematic reviews of international literature, for developing real lines of research.
We can take a maximum of ten people on a thesis each year.
There are some places available for 2019. Contact us
Carry out your thesis with CiaoLapo
Since 2007 we have been promoting various lines of research, which investigate the clinical, therapeutic, psychological, psychopathological, cultural and relational aspects of perinatal loss, in collaboration with the main national and international universities and structures.
For example, the results of the investigations conducted together with the International Stillbirth Alliance , of which CiaoLapo has been a member since its foundation, were published in The Lancet magazine in two monographic issues on intrauterine death: The Lancet Stillbirth Series in 2011 and The Lancet Ending Preventable Stillbirths Series in 2016.
Another prestigious work promoted by the international group on pregnancies following a perinatal loss was instead published in 2018 on the BJOG .
In 2018, the first Italian work on the perception of care and assistance provided to parents affected by stillbirth by Italian midwives was also published in the international magazine Midwifery .
In recent years, in collaboration with students and researchers from various Italian universities, beautiful degree or master theses have been created.
Each doctor has worked hard with us to delve into a part of that gigantic cultural taboo that is perinatal bereavement.
Before CiaoLapo, that is, before 2006, perinatal mourning with all its annexes and connections was considered a completely blind subject, of little scientific depth, and of little interest.
I wish to congratulate all of them, who have in fact been true pioneers in a field that has been in the shadows for too long!
I take this opportunity to invite new students, undergraduates or postgraduates to join us, to investigate some of the many aspects and implications related to perinatal bereavement, to the unfortunate diagnosis in pregnancy, to the possible and desirable assistance for bereaved parents.
The research areas in which CiaoLapo is currently carrying out investigations and in which context future theses can be developed are:
- Epidemiology of pregnancy loss
- Risk factors for pregnancy loss
- Psychopathology of perinatal mourning
- Pregnancies after bereavement
- Anthropology of perinatal mourning
- Assistance with bereavement, stress and burnout of the operators
If you want to learn more about any of these topics, ask for information at the email address thesis@ciaolapo.it .
Responsible for the research are Dr. Claudia Ravaldi , Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist specialized in Perinatal Clinical Psychology and with a Master in Affective Neuroscience, President and Founder of CiaoLapo Onlus, contract professor of the University of Florence and Dr. Alfredo Vannacci Associate Professor of the NeuroFarBa Department of the University of Florence, Vice-President of CiaoLapo Onlus.
Thesis Archive with CiaoLapo
Thesis in Medicine and Surgery
- Dr. Lucia Biver , surgeon, “Death in-expectation: the management of perinatal bereavement by the neonatologist and gynecologist (2016) – Thesis in Medicine and Surgery – University of Pisa
Thesis in Obstetrics
- Dr. Simona Minniti , midwife, “When a child dies: support for operators for adequate support for parents (2008) – Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Modena
- Dr. Dianora Torrini , obstetrician, “Obstetric care in intrauterine death, between expectations and reality. Retrospective evaluation, and hypothesis of intervention.” (2008) – Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Florence
- Dr. Ester Tatini , midwife, “The midwife in the management of mourning for fetal loss” – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Florence
- Dr. Federica Zatti , obstetrician, “Fetal intrauterine death and obstetric care in perinatal bereavement (2010) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Trieste
- Dr. Chiara Messeri , midwife, “HaBIT Study: Survey on the use of supplements and medicinal plants during breastfeeding” (2011) – Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Florence
- Dr. Gloria Pelagalli , midwife, “I’m sorry, there is no heartbeat. The competence of health professionals in the management of grief in pregnancy” (2012) – Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Florence
- Doctor Giusy Gallea , obstetrician, “Obstetric assistance in intrauterine death of the fetus: from clinical cases to empathic support” (2013) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Padua
- Dr. Paola Barzanò , obstetrician, “How to take care of” Orphaned Parents “? Experience and training needs of health professionals in the event of fetal intrauterine death” (2014) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Milan
- Dr. Bernini Ilaria , obstetrician, “Obstetric assistance for pregnant women with mif: from diagnosis to mourning” (2015) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Rome Tor Vergata
- Dr. Simona Peraldi, midwife, “Health professionals and assistance to couples affected by fetal intrauterine death: observational study at the Birth Points of Biella, Carate Brianza and Novara” (2015) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Studies Milan – Bicocca
- Dott.ssa Alessia Pirovano , obstetrician, “Death in expectation. Obstetric counseling in the elaboration of perinatal bereavement” (2015) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Genoa
- Dr. Giulia Amato , obstetrician, “The art of communicating in obstetrics: death in utero” (2016) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Catania
- Dott.ssa Carniello Degree , obstetrician, “Fetal intrauterine death and analysis of the concatenating factors at the Azienda ULss 9 in Treviso” (2016) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Padua
- Dr. Cecilia Pettinelli , midwife, “How to take care of ‘interrupted’ parents. Competence of the midwife in taking care of perinatal bereavement” (2016) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Perugia
- Dr. Valentina Napoli , midwife, “Il canto interrupted. Clinical management of the MEF and assistance to orphaned parents” (2016) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – Second University of Naples
- Dr. Silvia Tironi , midwife, “The first contact between parents and child affected by intrauterine death” (2016) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Milan – Bicocca
- Dr. Ilenia De Franco , obstetrician, “MEF: obstetric assistance in the diagnosis and completion of childbirth” (2017) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Magna Grecia Catanzaro
- Dr. Eleonora Rinaldi , obstetrician: “Perinatal mourning: the word to those who care” (2017) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Padua
- Dr. Giulia Finardi , midwife “THE USE OF THE MEMORY BOX FOR THE PROMOTION OF MOURNING PROCESSING” (2017) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Parma
- Dr. Noemi Menardi , midwife “Coming into the world after a bereavement: obstetric management of pregnancy and childbirth” (2017) – Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Turin
- Dr. Cecilia Zucchero , midwife “Optimization of the Care Path in the management of pregnancy with the diagnosis of Fetal Endouterine Death in the city of Bologna” (2017) – Degree Thesis in Obstetrics – University of Bologna
- Dott.ssa Graziana Cavone , obstetrician “OPERATIONAL-ASSISTENTIAL PATHS IN THE EVENT OF ENDOUTERINE FETAL DEATH: EFFECTS ON THE FAMILY AND HEALTH OPERATOR” (2017) – Degree thesis in Obstetrics – University of Bari
Thesis in Psychology
- Dr. Francesca Giovannini , psychologist – “Psychological-Clinical Aspects of Perinatal Mourning” (2009) – Thesis in Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation – University of Bologna Cesena
- Dr. Elisa Marchesini , psychologist – “At home with empty arms. The experience of perinatal bereavement of Italian parents” (2014) – Thesis in Psychology – University of Bologna
Thesis in Nursing Sciences
- Dr. Elisabetta Lorusso , nurse, “Nurses and perinatal bereavement: care strategies to help the couple in the process of elaborating the loss” (2013) – Thesis in Nursing – University of Milan
- Dr. Angelica Assirelli , nurse, “Operator and care in the Perinatal LUT: OPELUP OBSERVATIONAL STUDY in the Local Health Authority Romagna – Ravenna” (2014) – Degree thesis in Clinical Nursing, University of Padua
- Dr. Solidea Spigato , nurse, “The role of the nurse in supporting the couple affected by perinatal bereavement: the training of operators as an element of improvement” (2014) – Degree thesis in Nursing – University of Padua
Thesis in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology
- Dr. Valentina Giuliano , anthropologist, “Special mothers: exercise of parenthood and commemorative practices after a perinatal bereavement experience” (2016) – Thesis in Ethnographic Research Methodology, University of Bologna
Degree thesis in Educational Sciences
- Dr. Federica Gotti , educator, “Perinatal bereavement: psychosocial support and couple resilience” (2016) – Degree thesis in Educational Sciences, University of Bergamo
Master’s thesis
- Dr. Elena Brachetti , midwife “Perinatal bereavement and burn-out syndrome in health care workers” (2009) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the midwife’s decisions” – University of Florence
- Dr. Mara Onorari , Obstetric assistance in prenatal death: the local reality and care protocols (2009) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the decisions of the midwife” – University of Florence
- Dr. Serena Serlupi , midwife, “Obstetric assistance in prenatal death: the local reality and care protocols” (2009) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the midwife’s decisions” – University of Studies from Florence
- Dr. Maria Rosa Di Falco , midwife, “Perinatal mourning” (2009) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the midwife’s decisions” – University of Florence
- Dr. Dianora Torrini , midwife, “Maternal-fetal attachment and psychopathological aspects in pregnancies following perinatal loss: an observational cognitive survey” (2010) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the midwife’s decisions / o ”- University of Florence
- Doctor Doris Beltran , obstetrician, “Perinatal mourning. Obstetric assistance in prenatal death, comparison between local Italian and Peruvian realities” (2017) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the decisions of the midwife” – University of Florence
- Dr. Anna Maria Batistini – Daniela Mazzella “ Pregnancy following a perinatal loss” (2018) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the midwife’s decisions” – University of Florence
- Dr. Chiara di Giacinto – “ComuniCare in perinatal mourning Survey on the role of communication in the relationship between parents and operators” (2018) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the decisions of the midwife” – University of the Studies of Florence
- Dr. Chiara Ghetti and Luisa Unti – “Diagnostic-assistance protocol for the couple affected by prenatal bereavement” (2018) – Master in “Clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics to support the decisions of the midwife” – University of Studies from Florence
Other courses
- Jessica Ferrari “Reflections of a prenatal tutor on perinatal and prenatal mourning” (2017) – ISPPE International School of Prenatal and Perinatal Education – ANEP Italia
- Micaela Darsena “Welcoming the rainbow: helping the development of a good bond of attachment in pregnancies following perinatal bereavement” (2017) – ISPPE International School of Prenatal and Perinatal Education – ANEP Italia