The investigation closes on March 9, 2015. Have you participated and spread the news? CiaoLapo, which has always been a member of the International Stillbirth Alliance, is participating in the new world survey on stillbirth for Italy, the results of which will be published in a special issue of the well-known medical journal The Lancet. We ask for the large participation of parents, family members, operators and ordinary citizens to break the silence on this problem also in our country and to raise public opinion and health awareness with reliable and significant data on perinatal bereavement. #breakthesilence
The investigation closes on March 9, 2015.
Have you participated and spread the news?
Parent survey
If you are a stillbirth-stricken parent click here: http://materresearch.checkboxonline.com/stillbirth-multilanguage-parents.survey
Survey for operators
If you are a perinatal health worker click here: http://materresearch.checkboxonline.com/stillbirth-multilanguage-care-providers.survey
Community member survey
If you are a relative, family member, friend or acquaintance of a parent with death in utero (or simply a member of the community sensitive to the problem and who wants to express his or her opinion on it) click here: http://materresearch.checkboxonline.com /stillbirth-multilanguage-community-members.survey
What is this investigation for
The birth of a dead child is a devastating event for parents, families and health care staff. The objective of the survey is to gain a deeper understanding of cultural practices, knowledge and views on the birth of a stillborn child by parents, health professionals and community members internationally.
This will make it possible to identify what actions can be taken to prevent intrauterine death and to improve the assistance to parents and families who have faced this event, with the most appropriate methods according to the different countries of origin.
In Italy, perinatal bereavement is still a taboo, and the correct medical and psychological approach to this event is not common practice in our birth centers and in our national territory. We have the opportunity to question the cultural, psychological and medical aspects of stillbirth, and make a difference for our country and for the six families a day that give birth to a lifeless child. Together we can do a lot.
Who promotes it
This study is the natural continuation of what was achieved internationally in 2011 with The Lancet Stillbirth Series . The survey is conducted by international member organizations of ISA (International Stillbrith Alliance) on behalf of an international research team, consisting of: Vicki Flenady, David Ellwood, Frederik Froen, Jan Jaap Erwich, Alex Heazell, Robert Goldenberg, Yee Khong , Tina Lavender, Aleena Wojcieszek, Fran Boyle, Glenn Gardener, Trish Wilson, Belinda Jennings, Philippa Middleton, Adrian Charles, Hanna Reinebrant, Katy Gold, Fleurisca Korteweg, Beth McLure, Joanne Cacciatore, Susannah Leisher, Lynn Farrales, Claire Storey, Gordon Smith, Dimitrios Siassakos, Jillian Cassidy, Karin Pettersson, Claudia Ravaldi , Alfredo Vannacci , Dell Horey and Ingela Rådestad.
The coordinating center is Mater Research, Brisbane, Australia (www.reserch.mater.org.au), the principal investigator is Vicki J. Flenady.
Head of research for Italy is the CiaoLapo non-profit association, under the coordination of Claudia Ravaldi and Alfredo Vannacci
Who can participate
- Parent survey : any parent who has had a stillborn child, as long as they are over 18 years of age. The questionnaire is designed for leaks after 20 weeks of gestation, but can also be completed in case of early leaks (in this case some questions will not be completely relevant, however).
- Survey for operators : any doctor, midwife, nurse, pathologist, psychologist, social worker or other health care worker involved in caring for families affected by fetal intrauterine death.
- Community Member Survey : All community members, carers, family members, friends or colleagues of a parent who has had a stillborn baby.
How can I participate?
Just click on the link corresponding to your category (parent, operator, community) that you find at the top of this page. The survey lasts from 10 to 30 minutes depending on the category. You will find further information and all the necessary instructions by clicking on the link.
NB: CiaoLapo’s parents who had children born alive but who died after birth, cannot participate in the survey, as this specifically concerns intrauterine death. However, since they have experienced the reality surrounding perinatal loss in exactly the same way, they can very well participate in the community questionnaire as ‘acquaintances or friends’ of people with intrauterine death.